Dr. Shrish Raj
Dr. Shrish Raj is a research fellow in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Nanyang Technological University. He completed his PhD in July 2024 at the Institute for Plasma Research, a Constituent Institution of Homi Bhabha National Institute, Department of Atomic Energy, India.
Research interests
Dr. Shrish Raj’ research is focused on impurity transport in the edge and scrape-off layer (SOL) regions of tokamaks. His work spans from non-linear fluid simulations to the theoretical modeling of impurity transport. In addition, he served as a Visiting Researcher at the ITER Organization, France, from March 2023 to September 2023.
Currently, he is focused on utilizing gyrokinetic framework to investigate Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes (TAEs) driven by MeV energetic particles via self-consistent simulation. He is particularly interested in turbulence transport predictions in fusion plasmas, with a special emphasis on the dynamics of energetic particles.
Academic Excellence Prize for securing highest CGPA 9.62 in MSc. Physics(2017), India.
Institute medal for securing highest CGPA 9.62 in MSc. Physics (2017), India.
Received INSPIRE Fellowship [DST/INSPIRE/03/2017], India.
Best Poster Award in international conference on Plasma Physics AAPPS-DPP(2021), Japan
Selected publications
Raj, S., Bisai, N., Shankar, V., & Sen, A. (2020). “Effects of nitrogen seeding in atokamak plasma”. Physics of Plasmas, 27(12), 122302.
Raj, S., Bisai, N., Shankar, V., Sen, A., Ghosh, J., Tanna, R. L., … & Singh, K.(2022). “Studies on impurity seeding and transport in edge and SOL of tokamak plasma”. Nuclear Fusion, 62(3), 036001.
Raj, Shrish, Nirmal Bisai, Vijay Shankar, and Abhijit Sen. “Argon, neon, and nitrogen impurity transport in the edge and SOL regions of a tokamak.” Physics of Plasmas 30, no. 6 (2023).